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Our community is failing our black children. Virtues of habit is a documentary looking at what our community needs to do for our children's future. 
As black filmmakers we come across so many people screaming black lives matter. They have no solutions and they really truthfully don't care about the children. We live in a world were people are for themselves and they would eat like fat cats everyday at the sacrifice of their own children. We have become so disconnected with what is right and what is wrong. We have to do better as parents, community, family and human beings. 
Donate to help us make this film and become a part of the few that want to see something different and create solutions. We thank those who believe in us and the VOHFILM movement.

Virtues of habit documentary

Check out our Cast and crew and become a part of a movement. #VOHFILM


Help us to get this film made by being a contributor. We will be grateful for any amount. 


$100 donation (imdb thank you credit)


$50 donation (a limited  edition hashtaged Pressanykeyproductions T-Shirt)



Tell Us what you think? Shoot us an email.
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